Barrow Gather To Commemorate A Dear Friend

On Friday, Barrow Gurney Cricket Club gathered formally to treasure the memory, and celebrate the contribution to the club, of Rod Reeves who passed away last year. At the time many wonderful tributes were paid by players and friends and were featured on this website, but we longed for the day when there would be

Barrow Enjoy Delayed Golf Outing

Barrow Gurney’s spring golf day which was delayed due to the Covid lockdown finally took place last week at Thornbury Golf Club. 16 Barrow players past and present gathered for 18 holes on the Par 3 course followed by an after lunch 18 holes on the full course. Sam Turner took the honours on the

Barrow’s Bernie Hits Another Ton

Bernie Forge, Barrow’s First team opener and wicket keeper, hit another century (101) for Bridgwater Ladies in the Vitality ECB Club T20 championship on Sunday to take them through to the regional finals. This was her 2nd century for Bridgwater having helped them to the Vitality ECB Plate in 2018. Bernie was the first woman

Training Underway At Hobbs Lane

With the restriction on outdoor sport released, it was no surprise that Barrow’s cricketers flocked to the ground last week to enjoy some early net and fielding practice. The 23 degree temperature did no harm either in encouraging a good turn out. What was incredibly impressive though was that 16 or so braved temperatures 20

Images Of 2020

The 2020 season was one to remember but not always for the right reasons. Barrow Gurney lost one of its most iconic players, we lost half of the season to Coronavirus, but we made the very most of the games we had. Ed Holdaway was outstanding with bat and ball, Bernie Forge the same opening

Obituary – Lou Glazzard

“It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of Lou Glazzard, father of Luke and Paul and frequent supporter at Hobbs Lane. Lou brought the ‘boys’ to Barrow for junior cricket back in 2002 having seen our banner in the village whilst driving through, and continued to come to games even

Barrow Captains & Committee for 2021

Following the AGM held at the end of last season, the club can now formally announce its captaincy teams and committee for the season ahead: Frank Forge will lead the First XI for another year, supported by vice-captain Ed Holdaway. Meanwhile the 2nds will be led by Adam Brace with Peter Rooney as vice- captain.

August Tour Dates Confirmed

Barrow Gurney’s famous cricket tour has been confirmed once again for this coming August. Whilst obviously it is dependent on any regulations in force at the time because of coronavirus, with the vaccine roll out well underway, we can be hopeful that we will be able to enjoy 4 days of cricket and social events.