BG Legends Assemble for 150th Anniversary Game

It was an extra special day when Barrow Gurney Cricket Club welcomed back many of its former players to Hobbs Lane on Sunday 9 June. 

Although the Legends game against current players has become an annual event, with this being the 150th anniversary of the club it had an even more special feel about it. On a reasonable day of weather, if not too hot, many friends and supporters over the years gathered for a drink and a barbecue and also came to watch the players of yesteryear pick their wits against some of the current crop.

Manager, Paul Mizen, had gathered some formidable talent and the game was a close one. Batting first the current players made 207-2 in their 30 overs with another half century for the in form Sam Mitchell and good contributions from Ed Holdaway (46 not out), Paul Gard (36) and Ben Skuse (27). Chris Warren and James Davey took the only wickets to fall.

Davey also enjoyed success with the bat making a half century of his own (57), with Luke Richards (23) at the top of the order, Chris Warren (20) and Chris Milton (26) also chipping in to take the Legends to a victory with a couple of overs to spare.

The game was conducted under the watchful eye of Geoff “the ref” Warren.

As this anniversary season continues there will be more occasions for friends old and new to get together and share their common love of the game of cricket and the unique nature of Barrow Gurney Cricket Club 

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