Want to play cricket in 2018?
Then where better to play than at the beautiful Barrow Gurney Cricket Ground, with stunning views of the Dundry Hills and the reservoirs, and the well-maintained playing surface and outfield at Hobbs Lane.
Barrow Gurney offers opportunities for experienced players, juniors and those who have not played since their school days, or who have perhaps taken a few years out, to play at a variety of standards. We offer 2 Saturday teams and Sunday cricket (or both!) in the Bristol & District and North Somerset Leagues, as well as Under 15 matches against local opposition. We also have a midweek team which plays T20 fixtures in the height of the summer.
We are a small, family orientated, friendly, village club who welcome new players at all levels. With the completion of our new female changing room we hope to welcome new female players inspired by Anya Shrubsole’s success in winning the world cup for England to join Barrow’s own Somerset women players in competing on equal terms in the first, second and third teams.
Add to that the social side of the club with the Pavilion Bar hosting regular quiz nights, social events and barbecues throughout the summer and a committee determined to improve the playing and pavilion facilities year on year, then we hope you might consider Barrow Gurney as the club to join for the season ahead.
Whatever standard or experience you feel you have achieved, why not join us for the new season. Contact us via the website page or just come along to our pre-season nets on Sundays 25th February 11th,18th and 25th March between 10am and 12 Noon at Merchants’ Academy, which are open to all players.